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Health Insiders relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
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Tried it and Loved It
I must admit I had never done a lot of cycling before I downloaded this app, in fact, I was not really interested in exercise at all. A visit with my doctor told me that if I didn’t change that and improve my eating habits I would be at a great health risk. It hasn’t been easy, but this app has been a great companion. I rid of my exercise bike daily, I am losing weight, and I have a lot more energy. Amazing app.
The App Makes Exercise More Fun
I chose this app because I usually hate exercise and I thought it would get me more motivated. That worked out really well. I’m off on adventures on my bike with friends every weekend, and I enjoy my nightly ride. I’m eating much better, too, and have lost quite a bit of weight. Good app!
I'm Enjoying the Program
This is a really good app for losing weight and getting into shape. I started it a couple of months ago and I am down 17 pounds. Even better, I feel great. I rid of my exercise bike daily and I’m getting addicted to it! Thanks.
Great App
Since I really love riding my bike already, I thought this would be a great app for me. It’s helped me improve my exercise endurance, gain energy, drop a few pounds, and pay better attention to my food choices. I would highly recommend it to anyone trying to boost their health – especially if you love cycling.
Amazing App
It’s funny because I’m usually not into exercise at all, but this diet really helped me to be more enthusiastic about physical activity in general. I’m in better shape, more toned, and I have lost 17 pounds so far in 7 weeks. It’s a great app that has changed my life for the better.